Thursday, January 13, 2011

Resources for parenting in the light

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For the second part of the Parenting in the light series (of which there will be at least three parts), I'm sharing some resources that I have come across, all web based. I am in the process of reading some books that I will review when complete, but to begin with the following sites you can access now.

First up is this doco recently aired on ABC and still available on iview for 2 more days. It is all about play.

Play, for the sake of play, has disappeared. Where once kids played freely in the streets and alleys of their neighbourhoods, creating their own games and the rules that went with them... today we have play dates, GPS tracking systems for children and year round organised sports.

Lost Adventures of Childhood

Annie Burnside is a writer I am enjoying and she has lots of articles available on her website. Here is an extract from one of her articles on the vibration we hold in our energy to which children are always responding:

No matter what occurs in your external reality, the goal should always be to dissect, work through, process, and release what is unnecessary so that you can once again align energetically with your internal source of universal energy. Of course, earthly assistance is part of the equation; it’s just that it is not the only part or even the most important part, as many currently perceive it to be. Children will come to understand that divinely inspired and divinely directed assistance is the only kind they will ever really need if they are fully aware of their own deep, inner connection to All That Is.

Remind children on a daily, moment-to-moment basis that the Universe has got their beautiful, sacred, divinely connected back at all times. Assistance can always be found deep inside of them, as their own source of power, where physical beingness merges with spiritual beingness. Once that power center is pierced in the form of self-love and acceptance, children will come to understand that while they still have the capacity to feel and express every possible human emotion (and should), the gateway to co-creative manifestation of a true heart’s desire lies in utilizing their own high vibration to attract like energy. This understanding will bring freedom and peace to your child that is beyond what you imagined possible for yourself at that age. The children of today are ready to live in a new way; it is their destiny. All they really need from us is permission to do so. I encourage all parents to model living as a conscious, vibrational being, first and foremost, and observe your children intuitively follow suit.

Conscious Parenting Guide is another great resource, of which there are many, with an article I have already quoted. You can find the link to that article, You are your child's first teacher here.

This is just a beginning of the sources of information that I am resonating with, and I will continue to post in regards to the broad spectrum of raising children joyfully through routine employed as ritual to access your own daily sense of the sacred.

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