Monday, December 13, 2010


It is always there, it never goes away. Nothing you do ever changes it. Nothing you eat, say, think, feel, touch, love, neglect, ignore, punish, wound, shame, seek, desire or do touches it.

It is the mind that will make you feel separate from it and self-judgement that will keep you there.

You could meditate for weeks, or never, and still you would be just as close as your now.

You cannot own it or destroy it or have it in your hands. You can’t take it from another no matter what you do to them and no matter what they believe about themselves.

You are not waiting to get there, you cannot travel to it. You must surrender to get to this destination.

You cannot name it although you try, and you do not have to wait until you die. You are already there and you have your name on the door. It is yours. You earn no rights from anyone to be in it. You cannot lose it no matter what you do.

No matter how you try you cannot stay still there. Once you find it, you will be moved on again, to find the next level of it. For the layers are never ending and each one, although all are perfect, is better than the last.

You cannot hold onto it.
It is not waiting. It is already here. And the moment you know that, it slips on ahead of you and asks you to journey deeper.

You cannot stop and rest there. It is a seeking place and you will desire to seek it out, even though you are already and always will be there.

It is unnameable but has been named a thousand times.
It is not out of your grasp but you will be reaching always for it.

It cannot be held onto.
You are already there.

Nothing you do changes anything about your rightfulness to be there, though some things, such as your happiness will get you closer to the feeling that is always present within but often forgotten.

It is not tomorrow or far away and we are all always inhabitants of this place no matter where else we might be.

It is the eternal unnameable for it does not belong to words. It is the forever and thereafter for it has no place in time and space.

It is nowhere. It is empty. It is soundless. It is All. It is nothing but what it is now.

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