Friday, December 10, 2010

Getting lighter

So after 11 days of being sugar, alcohol and carb free I have lost about 4 kgs. This is hard to be accurate about as my scales are a bit dodgy but suffice to say the needle has gone down.

What this tells me is that my body was suffering in trying to process foods that just did not work for it, and has thus been happy to respond to the change in diet with this weight loss. It also tells me that if I were to go back to eating in the way that I was, I would quickly regain the weight. I feel pretty good about making this a lifestyle choice.

I have found alcohol quite hard to do without, but having said that, I allowed myself a glass of wine last night at dinner, and one glass was all I needed. I was actually craving water! And this morning I awoke with a shocking headache. In the long term (after this period until Christmas) I will allow myself to drink when I feel so inclined (which isn't more than once a week normally), but I will avoid the sulphite-filled beverages such as wine (the drink last night also made my stomach very uncomfortable).

There have been several moments of compromise, but I can count them on one hand, which is astounding. For now, for me, something has shifted and I am feeling unburdened by this positive eating plan.

Another observable shift for me has been in a decrease in my appetite. I am no longer starving to get to the next meal, and I need less at each meal. Basically I was eating more than I needed to be based on the energy I was expending.

And this week as I sat to meditate for the first time since changing my eating, I had a stunning experience of my energy body (also known as the ethric body or even the aura). It is somewhat represented by the picture I include here. I felt like the energy was dancing at my chakras (energy points in the body), especially around the top of my head. I also felt the energy points (or chakras) in my hands, which is new for me. The meditation wasn't necessarily easier, but the sense of my light body was far stronger than it normally is for me. And it felt great.

I want to spend a bit more time thinking about the other changes I am exepriencing, and see if they are observable to others. It has only been 12 days after all, and I am on a bit of a high about it especially in regards to reversing what has been a sudden and dramatic weight gain over the last 12 months. I'll keep you posted on mood, energy levels, clarity of mind and all those other great things.

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