Wednesday, November 24, 2010


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Don't be afraid of the light. Do not turn your eyes away from it. You think that would be the last thing you would do - to consciously resist the light of God - but you are doing it all the time.


The light, which is your pure substance, which is you shining back at you, ILLUMINATES! 'Yes, this is what light does', you think. 'I am not afraid of it'. And yet you turn consciously, constantly away from your own divine nature, from the light within, from the love of God.

This is because you would then look upon the world in the fullness of the light, with CLEAR SIGHT! No more illusion, no more comforting distractions, no more dark corners to hide your fear and your pain away in, no more justification for hiding your divine truth.

How many times do you resist the truth because you claim you cannot see it? 'I don't know why this always happens to me', 'I don't know why my patterns are repeated, my mistakes' etc etc. You go on and on hiding form yourself, because to see in the fullness of the light would be a disaster for your little selves. Light dispels the darkness from within. No more little you, no more drawn out excuses for being less than you are.

Let go of the darkness! Crawl out from the shadows. Draw the light towards you with boldness and strength and abandon the dark corners of your mind for the love of God, which is you, which is light, which is love.

You are capable of this in an instant. You only need ask.

'God, I invite the light into every part of my life, every cell of my being, every beat of my heart. Lord God, I ask that the light illuminate my soul.'

And it is done! The veil is lifted. You see yourself as the magnificent being that you already are, no more or less than that. The miracle is clear sight, is Light.

Now is where the work begins. For that sight is easily squandered and the veil waits eagerly to return. You must have the courage to meditate upon the light, to sustain your vision, to know your truth, to behold the full beauty of you in your true state. You must live with courage and release your excuses for being less than you are. Can you do it? Can you acknowledge that you are hindered by nothing but your own unwillingness to shine at all times?

You are perfect. You are the light of God, unblemished, untarnished, whole, complete, ready now in this very instant.

Let it go.
Let the rest go and breath the light of the Lord into your being.
In so doing you are doing nothing more than breathing, in full consciousness, your own breath.

Be filled with light.

Remember who you are.

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