Saturday, November 13, 2010


Hypatia was not a name I was familiar with until I saw a review for the film, Agora. This woman was a feminist, a scholar and a philosopher. Her life came at a time of enormous change and chaos in humanity as the last days of the Roman empire gave way to the dark ages of early Christianity. 

Hypatia was the daughter of Theon of Alexandria who was a teacher of mathematics with the Museum of Alexandria in Egypt. A center of Greek intellectual and cultural life, the Museum included many independent schools and the great library of Alexandria.

Hypatia studied with her father, and with many others including Plutarch the Younger. She herself taught at the Neoplatonist school of philosophy. She became the salaried director of this school in 400. She probably wrote on mathematics, astronomy and philosophy, including about the motions of the planets, about number theory and about conic sections.
Hypatia corresponded with and hosted scholars from others cities. Synesius, Bishop of Ptolemais, was one of her correspondents and he visited her frequently. Hypatia was a popular lecturer, drawing students from many parts of the empire.
From the little historical information about Hypatia that survives, it appears that she invented the plane astrolabe, the graduated brass hydrometer and the hydroscope, with Synesius of Greece, who was her student and later colleague.
Hypatia dressed in the clothing of a scholar or teacher, rather than in women's clothing. She moved about freely, driving her own chariot, contrary to the norm for women's public behavior. She exerted considerable political influence in the city.
Orestes, the governor of Alexandria, like Hypatia, was a pagan (non-Christian). Orestes was an adversary of the new Christian bishop, Cyril, a future saint. Orestes, according to the contemporary accounts, objected to Cyril expelling the Jews from the city, and was murdered by Christian monks for his opposition.
Cyril probably objected to Hypatia on a number of counts: She represented heretical teachings, including experimental science and pagan religion. She was an associate of Orestes. And she was a woman who didn't know her place. Cyril's preaching against Hypatia is said to have been what incited a mob led by fanatical Christian monks in 415 to attack Hypatia as she drove her chariot through Alexandria. They dragged her from her chariot and, according to accounts from that time, stripped her, killed her, stripped her flesh from her bones, scattered her body parts through the streets, and burned some remaining parts of her body in the library of Caesareum.
Hypatia's students fled to Athens, where the study of mathematics flourished after that. The Neoplatonic school she headed continued in Alexandria until the Arabs invaded in 642.
When the library of Alexandria was burned by the Arab conquerors, used as fuel for baths, the works of Hypatia were destroyed. We know her writings today through the works of others who quoted her -- even if unfavorably -- and a few letters written to her by contemporaries. 


  1. I saw Agora when it first came out in NYC and loved Weisz' performance as Hypatia. However, Amenabar distorted some history in pursuit of his art. The Great Library didn't end as he depicted and Synesius wasn't such a jerk. However, that's what artists do. I have a series of posts on my blog on the events and characters from the film - not a movie review, just a "reel vs. real" discussion.

    You've provided some basic facts about Hypatia and for folks who want to know more, I highly recommend a biography by Maria Dzielska called Hypatia of Alexandria (Harvard Press, 1995.) I think she does a great job of sorting through the myths and legends and presenting the historical primary sources in context.

  2. Thanks so much for this. I look forward to seeing the film, but also reading more about her life. Thanks for the recommendations.
