Saturday, April 16, 2011

Ham Sa - Who am I?

Hamsa mantra: The Soham mantra is also called the Hamsa mantra. Hamsa (or hansa) poses the question, Who am I? Soham provides the answer, I am that.
I am that: While the English translation may not be as important as the quality of the sound vibration, Soham translates as I am that. When remembered repeatedly, it declares I am that I am that I am that I am. Remembering the Soham mantra often during the day can be a very useful practice.
Oh mind, sing the sound So Ham
Soham Japalehe Manawa
Soham, soham, soham.
I am that I am, that I am, that I am.

For more see this informative page Soham/Hamsa

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