Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The rise of the Goddess feminism

I work with a group energy known as The Divine Sisterhood. I know that this energy is all about the Divine Feminine, but I also understand that the intention and purpose behind their devotion to the Earth right now is to bring balance and harmony. This comes about by bringing the masculine and feminine into alignment as ONE, which is the only way.

As such I haven't spent much time researching the history of Goddess worship but I found this short article today and felt to share it. I know mostly about ancient history of the eradication of Goddess worship, so it is interesting to read a more contemporary account of the rise of the divine feminine as a form of worship. I include the link here for your interest.

I have always shyed away from organised spiritual activities, except for occasionally organising my own monthly meditation. I am not entirely certain of why this is, except for a desire to remain fluid and ever growing in my ideas and experiemces. I have often fantasised about joining with women at the full moon or new moon for sweat lodges and devotion. But I have not. Perhaps it is time to break myself out of the not doing!

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