Monday, April 20, 2009

You have a powerful destiny

You feel you lack a destiny so you do nothing. You believe it is fine to do nothing for you are not the chosen one - you were not born a king or a queen, so why struggle to be anything more then the small, insignificant being that you are? How comforting it is when we watch films or read books in which the heroine discovers that she indeed has a destiny, shares a special connection with some higher power that has secretly been guiding her path all along. What bliss to know there is some reason, some purpose to life!

But you look on, separate from that destiny, unaware of the magnificent blueprint you carry in your very being.

If only you could be awoken to your divine destiny this second, this minute! You are the chosen one!

You are the precious child of God sent forth to fulfil the most magnificent of all destinies and in so doing raise the very Earth to the status of Heaven.

You are here with the exceptional task of bringing Heaven to Earth, to know yourself as the bringer of Heaven, to lead all people into the light. This is your special destiny, written in the very core of your being - and you know it!

And yet you turn your back on it, you disbelieve it, you doubt everything about it for the simple reason that this is the destiny of every single being on the planet. How can it be special, how can it be your destiny if it belongs to all? In fact, the very future of humanity depends on every person knowing this truth and living it.

But the illusion of separation clings tightly to humanity - you have been taught to love through fear; you have been taught that what is good for another means you miss out. You have been taught to distrust, be suspicious, feel vulnerable, to doubt that there are enough good things for everyone. One destiny cannot be the same as another because then it is less valuable, or someone else will get there first and you will not be so special - you believe this in all your human fear and foolishness.

Be grateful that others are aware for they are forging the path for you. Be grateful for your awareness for you are the guiding light for others even if you do not know it!

Release the illusion of separation. You are united. There is only one planet Earth and only one life upon it. It is your life. And your life is the most precious and magnificent gift that ever was, for every being upon the earth must know the truth that you are now awakening to for the destiny of life to be fulfilled. Your destiny determines the life of the planet, the universe, the stars, all humanity. Your actions determine the fate of the world.

You are the One, the only One. Do not doubt your power or your worth. Go forth boldly, in full awareness of your awesome destiny and bring forth the new Heaven and the new Earth. You are chosen, from the moment of your birth and your destiny is waiting to be fulfilled.

Bring the light forth. It is your reason for being.

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