Wednesday, April 15, 2009

All that you seek is within

Are you listening to your intuition? Are you allowing yourself to be guided? You have a remarkable gift, as does every human being. Are you even aware of it? Do you live your life by it, or do you find this voice, this wisdom from your own divine nature, easy to ignore?

You possess all that you need to make this human journey move with ease and grace, to understand the events of your life, to know when and how to act. The confusion is a choice. You live uneasy and unaware by choice. Ask and it shall be given. Turn your attention to your own divine nature, the source of your truth, the source of light, and there you will find it. No longer do you, nor have you ever required anything outside of yourself.

All the answers you seek are within, and what is more startling is that you are aware of this but it is so easy to turn away from the insight and wisdom you possess inside. And the reason why is simple. If you allow this voice, this guidance to guide your life even for a moment, you will no longer be able to ignore it. And this divine aspect of you, the you that is true, does not accept half measures or fear. The surrender is far more than most people believe themselves capable of. The fear will tell you all sorts of things to stop you from having faith in yourself.

For this is where the faith must reside. Know yourself through silence, through emptiness, so that when the voice of your soul offers its direction you are able to know it as truth. Fear will trick you, tell you a hundred different things, tell you you are foolish and unwise and flaky and unsafe. But the voice that is you, that is God, is a million times clearer. It is the voice of pure light.

So ensure you move ever closer to yourself in your actions. Bring yourself into full awareness of your being, learn the difference between the voice of fear and the voice of truth, and place your faith within. This is your temple, this is your greatest gift and your truest purpose.

Know thyself. And in so doing you will know God.

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