Monday, April 27, 2009

Life's enormous grace

DOING is illusion.

BEING is life, is truth, is real.

Doing is struggling against the flow of life. Doing is effort and strife and the place of no peace. Being is flowing with your personal divine truth, your path. When you are on it, flowing with it, not against it, you feel the sweetness of life's enormous grace. You see that life is no struggle at all. For you have listened and obeyed your own divine will. You are at peace, no matter your outward circumstance. And life is effortless, there is always enough time.

You have relinquished the struggle, the doing that keeps your mind and body in a prison of guilt, shame, exhaustion, denial, obligation, empty desire, pain, frustration, anguish.

Be in tune with God's will, your true nature, and you are set free from the struggle of humanity. You are floating and flowing with the energy of creation, with the essence of life. Everything you need is there, everything obeys divine law, everything is still and silent inside this heavenly bliss of JUST BEING.

And you, then, are free. And all life becomes a wonder. There is no more to think about, no more attempt to control, no more desiring or doing.

You are released, with perfect faith, to fall freely into the divine will of the universe, and you are weightless and joyful in so doing.

Align your will with the Divine and know true freedom. Release yourself into absolute faith for you are divinely guided, and divinely assisted at all times.

Tap into that energy that is all around you and discover the peace of just being.

I am that I am.

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