Monday, April 13, 2009


With peace in your heart all things are possible. You create the lessons in your life through fear and lack of peace. Imagine if all that was to stop and you could stand still and really know peace and choose the life that you live, choose the energy that you draw forth towards you. Imagine that in the very act of not moving, being still, the world around you responds to your energy. Your energy changes - the world around you changes. Do you think the energy you live in is just random, just something you happened to wander in to? Of course not. You have prepared it. You have sent it forth, you manifest it in this very moment.
Every second you are generating your reality. Indeed, can’t you see? You are fumbling through the world half blind, for in the movement and chaos of everyday life all you are generating is more of the same. Be still. Meditate. Plan your life energetically. In this we mean not to say like a take-away menu you sit down and order what you want to happen each day (although perhaps you will get there one day!). What we are suggesting, dear ones, is this. Your energy, the energetic web you spin, is what you live in, it is the energy all around you, it is the energy that other people pick up on as you enter their space, that which the trees and plants and the birds and absolutely everything you interact with ‘reads’ when you approach. Now of course, just like you, most humans bump into one another energetically without a clue of what they are doing, of what they are taking or giving. We challenge you now to wake up to yourself as an energetic being!
You spin a web, you live that web! Do you understand? You are the creator of the reality you live, and we mean this in no abstract way. Become conscious of the web you weave. Start to see it in all your interactions, practice seeing it, feeling it, even if at first you see and feel nothing. It is something you will quickly become sensitive too. Develop this sense. It is more important than any other sense you have, for the others merely report on life. This sense determines your life! Be free of not understanding why your life is the way it is.

WAKE UP! You are energy.

You impact on the world and the world impacts on you, so therefore choose the impact you want to have. What life do you want to lead? Well, create it! Be the change you want to see. Wake each morning and greet your energetic web, and cleanse it as you cleanse yourself and see what you are creating for yourself. If you don’t like it, change it, fill it up with all that you truly want. But we remind you, this cannot be done in the hustle and bustle. Make time. Just as you must make time to eat, make time to cleanse your web.
Watch the world magically transform before your eyes as you awake to the glory of your own true nature. Be the true magnificence of your being and generate the life you were meant to live!

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