Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Time - Part 2

When I said that time merely is, perhaps it would be better to have said that time, in truth, is not. The point here is not to confuse but to demonstrate that time is a construct.
When I say time just is, what is meant is that time just is whatever is made of it. It is no more real than the form it is given. The form humanity has given it is hard and real and seemingly unbreakable but this is not so.

Remember I spoke of time as a painting and you the master creator? This is not some abstract image, but the truth. Time is what it is in your life. There are no external dictates. Like all things, it is energy. It carries pure potential, but you the divine heavenly being are the only one who can determine the potential it manifests in your life. Not Angels, not God, not Seraphim, but you my friend are the manifestor of your destiny. For destiny is a term all wrapped up in the notion of time.

Destiny implies a destination, does it not? The word is present within it. There is a point of arrival and you will arrive at the place you were always meant to be, be the person you were always meant to be. Destiny as you should know by now, is a slippery beast, and indeed many, many lifetimes may be spent in the attainment of this end point.

Some of you I can hear are already laughing. You know the punchline of this one. If you have been paying attention you know about this cosmic joke called Destiny. And who would like to declare it?

Yes, you are right. It is NOW.

I do not say - it is here! As I have stated Destiny is a matter of TIME. Destiny, your purpose, your reason, is right NOW. I am not playing a joke with you, although it may seem as if I am. Destiny is NOW. You are smack bang in the middle of the very reason of your being and you can't see the wood for the trees.

It is tricky. I understand. This is why we have returned to this subject. There is the greatest freedom awaiting here as I have promised. We of the divine counsel have decided we no longer want it to take lifetimes for this glorious joke to be got by you, by everyone. The secret is ready to be revealed.

Think of it as this. Lifetime upon lifetime has been spent to unlock this truth. This moment now is the ONE moment. This is it. This is NOW. Figure it out and you have WON. And you are ONE. Join in the unity of all life by being NOW - being WON - being ONE. How do you access Heaven on Earth? How do you look God in the face? How do you find peace and happiness? NOW!
Release all else and be PRESENT.

This is where all resides. You cannot search for the attainment of anything outside of this moment because it does not exist! Move ahead even a little in your mind to the future and you are in the land of make believe. There is nothing there! It is all NOW. It is the present.
The greatest thing a spiritual Master will ever attain is absolute presence in the NOW moment. Why is this so? Why is this the greatest gift? For then he has become ONE with all life - then he is flowing with the energy of life. Then he knows no separation, is free from illusion, is residing in the peace that passeth all understanding. This is it. This is your destiny. It is the destiny of all humanity. There is no way to get there but in absolute stillness, total presence. No striving or searching will get you there.

Surrender your being, your will, your heart and soul to the NOW. Be here now. This is the gateway to heaven. This is the moment the universe was made and you are participating in its creation. Be here now. Be one with the eternal now moment, with all the cosmos, and access your divinity in all its power and glory.

Now is the moment and you are the living, breathing heart of it.

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