Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Don Tolman

I had the opportunity to hear this remarkable Educator speak last night and I recommend his teachings and wisdom, which as he explains is really just nuggets of ancient wisdom that we have lost or had taken from us.

You can see more on Don at

He provided 7 key insights as to how we may live long, healthy lives without medical intervention in anyway shape or form (in fact he suggests that medical intervention in cases of non-trauma illness actually shortens our lives). These points are so simple and I want to offer them here now.

(1) AIR

Air can be best purified with a ceiling fan. Keep windows opened and allow air to move!


It doesn't matter where it comes from as long as you DRINK it. Allow tap water to sit so the chlorine can evaporate, and then pour your water twice before drinking to get it electrically charged. Without this movement there is almost no value in the water you drink.


You need it. Your body needs it. It will not kill you. It keeps you alive. Get some!


One hour, four times per week. It is all you need for longevity and health.


Check out Don's website on food signatures. Eat 80% raw 20% cooked. Vegetarian is best. Fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, raw and fermented dairy products. He has lots more info on the website. This is all the protein you will ever need!


Be emotionally healthy. Break free!


This is vital. You can overcome all else if you live with passion. Do one thing each day that you are passionate about, even if it is just knitting!

Thank you Don. I am inspired. See his website for more information, and live in remeberance of your body as a TEMPLE.

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