The greatest gift that you can give yourself in any moment to achieve balance (peace, joy, harmony) is to allow yourself to feel what you are feeling. Just feel it. Don't attach to it. Don't fight it. Don't reject it. Just allow its flow through you. All of the emotional states are valid and allow you to express and release that which you no longer need to be carrying around in your mind, body and soul.
Think of the negative emotions as the waste products of the soul. If you resist them, hold onto them, indulge them or reject them, the Soul will be out of balance. It needs to feel them to let them out!
Surrender. Release. Let go. Allow the flow of the feeling states in so that they can get out. Resistance is what makes them stick around. Grieve it, hate it, resent it, be enraged by it, be saddened by it, mourn it. Whatever 'it' is, it will be healed through its expression.
Be all that you are.
Think of the negative emotions as the waste products of the soul. If you resist them, hold onto them, indulge them or reject them, the Soul will be out of balance. It needs to feel them to let them out!
Surrender. Release. Let go. Allow the flow of the feeling states in so that they can get out. Resistance is what makes them stick around. Grieve it, hate it, resent it, be enraged by it, be saddened by it, mourn it. Whatever 'it' is, it will be healed through its expression.
Be all that you are.
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