Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Words from the Divine Mother (mine!)

Today I offer part of a message from master channel, Angelique Adams. I am deeply blessed that she is also my mother. Enjoy these words, which resonate to the depths of my soul.

You do not need all of the answers to all of the questions today, right now. Move back into this moment. Fill this moment with the beauty that you really are - the beauty that you came to share on this planet at this time. Just be fully present to the present.
In time, dearest one, your moments will accumulate and create a glorious now - this is your frustration - deep down inside of your consciousness lies an impression of the reality you chose for yourself - you are judging yourself because you have decided that your reality (what you perceive to be your reality in this moment) does not match your intention for your life.
And yet, we say unto you, there are many filters you could use to perceive your so called reality but this is our take on what we can see.
Here is an earth angel with bound wings and with a very effective blind-fold. This blind-fold allows her to look into a reflecting surface and see what she believes is there, rather than her truth. Dearest, dearest one, we implore you, you have examined this path many times already - you have proved over and over - it does not take you home to your heart's content - to your amazing resting place of wisdom and perfect love.
Stop! Stop kicking up the dust - stop and let the dust settle so that you might begin to see the truth of your potential. Stop putting limitations on the potential you are here to demonstrate and begin to feel the calm energies of creation that you are here to gift to the planet. First you must remember who you are, what you are and your reason for being. There is so much more than you have yet discovered about yourself. Pre-set your intention meter. You are not defined by your own harsh self judgements in our realms of consciousness. Stand very still, calm your confusion and doubt, powerful as they may appear, they have only one job to do - that is to bind your wings and blind your eyes to your own precious truth.
The unlimited abundance of all creation surrounds you always, own it, invite it, demand it and let it go!
So - for now - our own very precious one - STOP - stop the game playing- it is a diversion off your powerful light path. It engages energies within your system that detracts from and dampens your light.
Stop - stand still, stop the game and breathe into the light. Let everything settle and gently and slowly your blindfold will drop away so you may see your own truth of a 1000 suns radiating their powerful light.

Angelique Adams (c) 2009

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