Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Full moon ceremony

*This meditation can be done at any time. So even if the full moon has passed take this opportunity to surrender and release.

To prepare, write a list of ALL the limiting beliefs, thoughts, ideas and emotional wounds that you are ready to release. You can add to this peoples, places and things that no longer serve you and give the intention to lovingly release them. To begin the meditation, wait until you know you will not be disturbed.

Ideally you will be able to see the moon. But if that is not possible, use memory recall to capture an image in your mind. Sit, with your spine straight (phones off and door locked) in a space in which you feel peaceful. Light a candle if you cannot see the moon. Otherwise let the moonlight illuminate you. You may feel like burning incense. Incense cleanses space. Make sure to dispose of the ash after you finish meditating.

Begin by placing the list by the moon/candlelight. Breath in and out, slowly and easily, for at least three breaths and then allow your breathing to return to normal. Focus on the light, or close your eyes, and with each out breath give your heaviness to the light. Feel yourself breathing it out. With each inbreath feel the energy of the moon entering your body and filling every cell with light. Do this for as long as you feel guided to, but for at least 10 minutes. Know that everything you have written on your list has been heard and is being drawn out by the light of the transforming moon energy. She is cleansing, nurturing and renewing you. All that you are releasing is being replaced with vitality and new life.

At this point you may choose to ceremonially burn the list or hold onto it to remember what you have let go. Thank the moon for her magnificent transformative power. Be full of gratitude for all that you are and all that you have.

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