Monday, September 9, 2013

Things I want my sons to know (and things I need to remind myself of today)

These are the things I want my children to know and experience everyday:

That they are dearly loved

That they are precious and connected parts of all that is, and to think of the trees as their brothers is a perfect way to get to know their own true natures

That the Universe is benevolent - there is neither good nor bad but different concentrations of light (sometimes so little light that it might look like the dark) in the world, and 

That they can actively choose to hold more or less light around themselves just by focusing their intention and actions. The Universe doesn't judge it merely serves.

That life on this planet is sacred and finite and thus should be enJOYed. Being in tune with the natural rhythm of the day, honouring the sunrise and the sunset, making a peaceful time to eat and to sleep, witnessing the cycles of the moon, the changing of the seasons, are just some of the wonderful ways to embrace this reverence for life.

That everything is energy and the imagination is the key to experiencing this, for what can be seen in the mind's eye is as powerful as what is witnessed with the eyes.

And finally, that nothing is ever out of place. It is unfolding just as it is meant to. Know this and you can deeply relax into the warm embrace of the ever loving Universe.

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