Thursday, August 30, 2012

How to do a great card reading

“All oracles create a direct link from your conscious mind to your Higher Self, your spirit, and all Divine forces in the Universe.”
Sonia Choquette

Why use an oracle?

You are the oracle. You listen for the voice of God and receive it into your being. You are both the listener and the speaker. Using any form of mediation between you and the Divine, in the form of cards or a pendulum or whatever else it be, simply offers both you  a point of focus.

It is also very useful to have an oracle available to you when reading in case an issue comes up for you or the person you are reading for, which you respond emotionally to, or have judgement around. The oracle tool can in this situation bypass the mind. Let the oracle do the talking, in other words.

Using an oracle also allows you to employ a system or pattern in your reading, through the use of a spread of cards, or in the case of a pendulum, a pre-established agreement about ‘yes’ and ‘no’. The familiarity with the object or the cards allows you to open even further to your divine guidance.

How to use an oracle deck in a reading

·     Have several packs in your collection – they work in different ways and on different levels. Trust your guidance about which pack is right for which occasion.
·     Always have cards ready for a reading even if you don’t end up using them.
·     Establish resonance with your client
·     Shuffle until you feel your guide’s presence
·     Sense which invisible being of light with which you are working

It isn’t the cards unto themselves…it is your guidance working through them. As such the meaning of what you are saying is not located in one card alone but in your reading of them as a holistic energy

·     Use a three card reading to begin (Past Present Future) and then draw more as you feel to, and only if you feel to.
·     Begin with one card at a time
·     Rely on the image rather than the words
·     Say silently to yourself, “Show me the clients options and all he/she needs to know on this subject…”
·     If you are confused about the interpretation of a card, ask your guidance for more information.

Your intuition about a card is the primary reading. Consult the guidebook only when you are stuck, and never in the presence of a client.

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