Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Beautiful words

As a writer, I find myself collecting words. Going through my collection recently I found two quotes that are desiring the light of day...

We are not skin. We are not bones.

Our essence is Spiritual, and

our bodies merely the

vehicle for our being.

Each person is an invisible

spiritual dweller in a human

experience, continuing to

unfold as a spiritual being

even after the transition

called death. This life is

only a precious fragment

of all that God has in store

for us.


The Gift

By Hafiz (c. 1320-1389)

The Great Sufi Master of Persia


Union is like this:

You feel cold

So I reach for a blanket to cover

Our shivering feet.

A hunger comes into your body

So I run into my garden

And start digging potatoes.

You ask for a few words of comfort and guidance,

I quickly kneel at your side offering you

My whole heart –

As a gift.

You ache with loneliness one night

So much you weep

And I say,

Here’s a rope,

Tie it around me,


Will be your companion

For life.

 For more from this amazing visionary poet see http://peacefulrivers.homestead.com/Hafiz.html

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