Thursday, October 15, 2009

Byron Katie

I have long struggled with the prison of my emotions. By that I mean I have not known how to not be overtaken by my emotional states. I totally believed them, I gave myself to them. I imprisoned myself in my rage, my pain, my betrayal, my fear. And I worked so, so hard to free myself from this rollercoaster. Sometimes I would have small wins, and sometimes they were enduring. But more often than not another trigger would happen and I would be off again, up and down, up and down, until I reached the point of emotional exhaustion (many times!).

I have many tools at my disposal. I have studied many, many techniques to free myself, but I have never found anything as empowering, as immediate and as liberating as the Work of Byron Katie.

I am beginning to know freedom for the first time in my life, and, in conjunction with all the other wonderful skills at my disposal, I truly feel for the first time I may be able to allow myself the life I have always wanted to be living.

Investigate her work if it feels right.

Quite simply, question every thought you have. I include a video of as an example of what she does. There are lots more on her website.

Love and Light,

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