Friday, September 4, 2009

Don't be confused right now...

Or more rightly, make peace with your confusion. September is the month for that. Don't judge. Just observe. Be the Observer of your own life and in short order you will have the clarity you seek.

As you raise your vibrational frequency and you expand your consciousness, you become more attuned to the energy of the Divine. And just as our personal energy does, this Universal Source energy ebbs and flows. What you are feeling may not be personal. It may be the Cosmos calling on your support. Be full of gratitude that you are thus attuned. It is a sure sign of your remberance of Oneness.

So hold space around you. Do not rush to 'fix' anything at this time. Be with it. And very soon, you will be free of it. And you will be singing the song of the great Cosmic Unity.

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