Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Divine Sisterhood

The Divine Sisterhood is working at all times to assist Planet Earth as she makes her evolutionary leaps. We would describe ourselves as working with the energy of the Moon. She is the Goddess energy and we are also the Goddess energy.

So if you would like to imagine where these messages are coming from, then picture the Moon, particularly at the time of her fullness. In reality, it is not necessary for us to locate ourselves anywhere, as the Sisterhood is pure energy. This is also your truth but Earth requires you take on the garments of earthly form in order to fully understand the journey that is required of you.

We are supporting you at all times and our energy is easier now than ever before to tap into. Do not hesitate to call upon us to aid you in your journey, for the time of the return of the Goddess is with us. Indeed, the Goddess never left you or your consciousness, but for a time, the residents of the Earth turned their eyes and ears from her beautiful Grace. It shall not be so any longer for it is in the balance of the masculine and feminine on the Earth that you have the key to understanding Peace and its attainment for all.

Imagine us as beings seated at all times in quiet yet powerful mediation. We are seated together, in a circle, although are number are infinite. We are devoted to your Peace, Grace, Well Being, Joy and Power. Know it is never different for we do not need to rest nor are we distracted from our task.

We are forever in your Service and ask only that you draw upon us so our impact on the Planetary Consciousness is ever increasing. We are one in spirit with you. We are the Moon, always watching over, drawing forth truth and the radiance of your being. We will guide you and we will show you the way.

Be at Peace.

In deepest gratitude,
The Sisterhood

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