Thursday, May 7, 2009

Part 2

Reside in the place of peace.
Retreat, always, before moving outwards into the world.
At first this may take time,
but as you learn the skills of Divine Sight - Insight -
You will know instantly where you should be
in any given moment, what steps to take.
what path to follow.

Your insight is enormous,
far greater than ordinary human vision could possibly be.
Be not limited by your unwillingness to surrender the darkness
of your human sight.
Close your human eyes and the light is revealed.
You must close your eyes to the world around you
to know the truth of it.
It is all there to be seen, if you are willing to walk,
temporarily, in the darkness.

Like all new vision,
there must be a time of emptiness,
of adjustment to the new level of light -
like stepping out of the darkness into
the brightness of a new day.
Do not be afraid of this time of adjustment.
Know that it is God's work,
and your own,
for you are adjusting your eyes to your true vision.

In losing your sight
you gain your true INSIGHT.
You gain the awareness of what actually is.
You are no longer fooled or tricked by superficial sight,
and you are no longer lost in the confusion of human life,
which attempts to blind you with an overwhelming
whirl of distraction and illusion.
You will know what is real and what is a poor imitation
of God's love.

Go within,
Know yourself in the darkness
as the human vision is replaced with Divine Light.
Do not seek to hurry the process in fear.
All is exactly as it should be.

The Divine hand of God is waiting for you.

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