Saturday, April 4, 2009

Ham Sa - I am that I am

Everywhere at this time, although it has always been this way, there are people aching for peace. They may not recognise that this is their true heart's desire but it is the truth. Peace brings an end to longing. It brings happiness, joy, light, love into the now moment. It resides only in NOW time. So we say, look around you and be grateful in your heart for every little thing that you see, for every opportunity to learn that will cross your path this day, for every chance you are given to offer God's love to the world, to live in the light.

Reside nowhere else. Think about nothing else but, 'How can I love the world today? How can I spread light into the darkness?' Then everything else falls away. There is nothing else. The self merges with the God light. There is no separation. There is no me, me, me. There is no desire, no longing, for in this space you have absolute fulfilment. Your true heart's desire has been met with something far greater than you could ever have possibly dreamed.

You are empowered to change the world in this very second. Do not wait upon someone to give you a task worthy of God's love; you are that task in every moment! You are the beacon of light, the messenger of God, through your actions and your words and your deeds. Allow all to know their God-self through the light and love you pour forth, through true compassion which is effortless.

There is never, 'I have nothing to give'.

When you allow yourself to be infilled with God's love there is infinite love, infinte energy, you will runneth over with the light, and the more you offer to illuminate the world, the more and more and more you receive. For you are not separate. You are whole and complete in God's love. Forget the self. You are the Divine-self that you seek.

You are that ONE.

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